You don't need an idea to start a business

Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan that Works

Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan that Works

from Ash Maurya


Summary and Why You Should Read This Book

In "Running Lean," Ash Maurya presents a compelling blend of Lean Startup and Customer Development principles, practically tailored for entrepreneurs and innovators. The book emphasizes MVP creation, continuous iteration, and customer feedback as cornerstones of a successful entrepreneurial journey. It's an essential guide for those embracing an agile, customer-centric approach in their business ventures, resonating with Scalabl's focus on innovative business strategy and entrepreneurial mindset.

“Startups that succeed are those that manage to iterate enough times before running out of resources.” Ash Maurya, Running Lean.



"Running Lean" is an invaluable guide for entrepreneurs and innovators, synthesizing key methodologies from Steve Blank's Customer Development and Eric Ries's Lean Startup. Ash Maurya's contribution lies in blending these approaches into a practical, plain, and applicable framework, supplemented by his insights and the Lean Canvas tool.

The book emphasizes rapid iteration, customer feedback, and the development of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This lean approach challenges the traditional business planning model, advocating for a flexible and adaptive strategy responsive to market feedback. Startups are encouraged to learn from failures, pivot when necessary, and continually refine their business model.

Central to the book is the Lean Canvas, a one-page business model template focusing on problem identification, solution, key metrics, and unique value proposition. Unlike the broader Business Model Canvas, Lean Canvas addresses the specific uncertainties and risks in startups.

Maurya guides readers through documenting their Plan A, identifying risky business model parts, and systematically testing these assumptions. The methodology promotes learning from customer interactions and market validation, emphasizing startups' need to pivot based on feedback.

The latter part of the book focuses on refining and scaling the business model, detailing strategies for achieving product-market fit, customer segmentation, and business model optimization. It also discusses identifying key metrics for progress measurement and data-driven decision-making.

"Running Lean" is more than a startup guide; it advocates a dynamic, responsive approach to entrepreneurship. Its principles, while particularly relevant for digital and tech startups, are adaptable across industries. The book is filled with practical examples and case studies, making it a playbook for modern entrepreneurship.

In summary, "Running Lean" is a comprehensive manual for entrepreneurs aiming to create sustainable businesses. It demystifies the startup development process, providing a clear path to turn innovative ideas into viable products. Maurya's book encourages a mindset shift, urging entrepreneurs to adopt a flexible, learning-focused approach in their startup journeys.



"Running Lean" by Ash Maurya is an important read for those embarking on entrepreneurial, intrapreneurial, or innovative endeavors. The book stands out for its ability to synthesize foundational methodologies from Steve Blank's Customer Development and Eric Ries's Lean Startup into an accessible and practical framework. Maurya's interpretation and application of these methodologies make this book particularly valuable. Maurya has a unique talent for transforming complex methodologies into practical and applicable strategies.

The book is a valuable guide for efficiently validating and refining business ideas. Maurya's emphasis on the Lean Canvas as a tool for rapidly testing hypotheses is particularly interesting. It's essential to adopt flexible, data and insights-driven approaches to increasingly dynamic business planning. Understanding customer needs and continually iterating based on learning is key, placing stakeholders at the center.

In "Running Lean," Maurya not only provides a systematic approach to business model development but also addresses common pitfalls many entrepreneurs encounter. He challenges the traditional notions of entrepreneurship, which often glorify risk-taking without adequate preparation. This perspective is a vital reminder of the importance of dynamic and ongoing strategic planning and risk management in entrepreneurship. He proposes a thoughtful and measured approach to ventures, emphasizing the need to balance innovation with practical risk and opportunity assessment.

The book's focus on the problem-solution fit and Steve Blank's Customer Development is powerful. Maurya focuses on customer problems before developing solutions, highlighting the value of empathy and deep understanding in business. It's a concept that transcends industries and is crucial for anyone aspiring to make a significant impact in their field. The practical insights offered in "Running Lean" on conducting effective problem interviews with customers and their involvement throughout the development cycle are important tools for anyone looking to create products and services that truly resonate with their target market.

For business professionals, "Running Lean" offers a clear path to turning innovative ideas into viable products, reducing the inherent risk in new ventures. It encourages a mindset shift from executing a fixed business plan to a more agile, learning-focused approach. This perspective is crucial in today's world, where adaptability and responsiveness to adversity are keys to survival and necessary for success. Reading this book will equip you with a robust framework for navigating the uncertainties of starting and scaling a business. It's about embracing the journey of continuous learning and growth.

Francisco Santolo



"The Startup Owner's Manual" by Steve Blank and Bob Dorf
This book complements "Running Lean" by providing a detailed, step-by-step guide to customer development, a process crucial to the lean startup approach. Blank's methodology forms a significant basis for Maurya's work.

"The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries
This book is foundational to understanding the lean startup methodology. Ries's work greatly influenced Maurya's approach in "Running Lean". It delves into the principles of building a successful startup through iterative product releases and validated learning, themes central to "Running Lean".

"Business Model Generation" by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur
This book introduces the Business Model Canvas, which is a precursor to Maurya's Lean Canvas. It offers a broader perspective on business model innovation, complementing the more startup-focused approach in "Running Lean".